Monday, March 25, 2019

Az Justice League Campaign

There I am on the public sidewalks again bringing the reform we need. According to the research available 90,000 medical studies based out of Isreal on the benefits of cannabis not being accepted. In the place I am. The government is the largest employer, 65 % of the state cant participate in elections. We fund our prisons 3 time more than our childrens schools.
Near by some business leaders meet for a networking fundraisers. This was organized by Tucson Business Woman Stacy Fowler, down the street a group of friend film a local movie or sitcom. At the edge of downtown DJs arrive for a concert at 191 Toole. We call our cannabis campaign the Arizona Justice League. We need 329,ooo signatures from arizona registered voters.
Among the Crowd of business professionals a veteran speaks of his venture Candles with a Cure. Its a mixure of candles and CBDS. He is part of Veterans United For Cannabis, Their mantra : We educate so others can medicate. Another owner speaks of Beard Oil. In the crowd Mayoral Candidate Ed Ackerley who mentions his admiration for public speakers and the idea of living day to day. A total of 60 signatures is gathered.
At 191 Toole concert goers line the sidewalk and parking lot around the corner waiting for whats just been announced as sold out. Amoung the DJs on stage is The Crystal Method and Toby Roberts. Tourists from Seattle, Canada and Colorado. In the crowd a few familiar faces of  Professional Wrestling, Norml Representatives and other entertainers. In side the wood floors vibrate and lights flcker thru the darkness.  Glow sticks and lighters line the air flowing out in wavy motions.

One person approaches me saying he wants to sign. He just got his rights back and this will be his first time being able to get behind any political campaign. He tells me as he is signing that years ago his ex signed my petition at the transit center, They were homeless at the time and addicted to meth and herion. He said I was the only campaign to stop by. He knew people indulged in weed but thats when he learned the benefits. He had continued to research and  cannabis had kicked his addiction. He is now a medical patient and wished there was more opportunities for felons like him in the industry.  Others in his family are patients too, for cancer and sighs that the current allotment  of 2.5 ounces every two weeks isnt enough for their more serious illnesses.
Arizona is a medical cannabis state surrounded by Recreational states like California, Nevada, Colorado .New Mexico and Utah our medical holdouts like Arizona. In Mexico its a human right to a limit and Canada has decrimialized it. People close to the drafting committee of the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act state the 25 mile rule was never part of it and was added after the fact by the governor and her crownies.  Other cannabis activists talk about how Arizona was the First State to legalize Cannabis in 1997 until Symington and his cronies interfered in the election process .
The benefits of the Arizona Justice League is post conviction relief, grow rights and taxes for schools.  This campaign is supported by the Cannabus, Arizonans For Cannabis freedom, Mary Jane Smokewear in assication with Veterans United for Cannabis and Cheba Hut.
Volunteers are needed.     Sign Up

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